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#1 Buyers need to screen and scope country property
#2 Land buyers need to know their dirt
#3 Tips for hunting hunting land
#4 In a recession, does land offer refuge?
#5 Rural subprime borrowers are hit, but most rural property is not
#6 Tips on finding country property
#7 Drought imperils second-home markets, prices
#8 Buyers need to know when their price is right
#9 High fossil-fuel prices will impact country real estate
#10 Trespass may be easier to forgive than forget
#11 Tips for making your country place safer
#12 Raising sheep: Good idea or baaaad?
#13 T’is the tail before Christmas
#14 Timberland is a valuable investment in a volatile time
#15 Land buyers need answers to environmental questions
#16 Tips for buying an old farmhouse
#17 Whatever happened to acid rain?
#18 Seven reasons to buy country property in 2008
#19 Stormy weather brings buyers and sellers together
#20 How to buy a country retirement place
#21 Is migrant wealth replacing local work in the countryside?
#22 Real estate: Let us now appraise appraisers and appraisals
#23 Conservation easements on land need to be thought through
#24 Buying land on impulse puts buyers at risk
#25 Land in the country provides sounds and silence
#26 Maple sap runs free, but celebration takes work
#27 How to sell country property in a crummy market
#28 Remodeling and remuddling your place in the country
#29 A dump is a terrible thing to waste
#30 Staged property: Buyers beware
#31 Stocks vs. land: Which is the better investment?
#32 Property sellers can help themselves: Think outside the hole
#33 Why do men buy country property?
#34 Maintenance never ends and never should
#35 Grazing beef cattle: Happy tails to you
#36 Property buyers: Putting the "do"in due diligence
#37 Ginger Kanadoo: Are any real-estate agents really this bad?
#38 Country property is not a buyer's market
#39 Be "choicy" when making buying decisions
#40 Sooner or later, we will change
#41 Hey, Hey. Ho, Ho. Fabulous has got to go!
#42 Property auctions are going, going...going stronger than ever
#43 Floodplain buyout: Maybe its time to stop rebuilding
#44 Obama and McCain on real estate and rural issues
#45 Ponds impound more than water
#46 Oil's up, gas is up: Here's the leasing low down
#47 Americans wanted land 250 years ago, and still do
#48 Looking for land up in Michigan
#49 Real estate is all about negotiation: here's help
#50 Making a living in the country: You're here, now what?
#51 Real-estate deals may involve sticky ethical relationships
#52 Real-estate investing: Don't buy a stinker
#53 Firewood costs more than you think
#54 Carbon, carbon everywhere: Storing for dollars
#55 This land is our land
#56 Sellers: Sticking on price keeps you stuck
#57 How to sell land: A buyer's market begs for seller-financing
#58 Panic reigned: What to do about the hay?
#59 Real-estate tax policies: What would McCain and Obama do?
#60 Here's the scoop: There was a fourth debate
#61 Bub was here: Now what?
#62 Building dirt: Louis Bromfield, a novelist with some novel ideas
#63 Thanksgiving is no turkey
#64 Rethinking stocks: Put land in a real-estate IRA for retirement
#65 The Knight Before Christmas
#66 Land ownership helps rural economic development: Can we Land a Hand?
#67 Consider buying rural land in 2009
#68 Is 2009 the time to buy a second home?
#69 How green is my acre?
#70 Country news: The message is anything but medium
#71 Rural America is ready to stimulate
#72 Your money: Fear is pretty risky
#73 You need a farm truck on your farm team
#74 Back to 1900 is not the way back to the land
#75 Trees and loggers: Television's stab at reality
#76 Is rural America cursed with isolation?
#77 Outbuildings are always good for something
#78 Why do we buy property?
#79 We walk and talk: A Bub in the woods
#80 Vacation-home sales down; land values up
#81 Building a green trophy house: A memoir
#82 The only tax dodge you will ever need
#83 Country roads were never like this
#84 Loss of farmland: What does it mean?
#85 Failure in the walnuts did not build character
#86 Farm hands tell tales
#87 What does a national real-estate bottom really mean?
#88 After Memorial Day, what should be remembered?
#89 When sellers need to sell fast, they need to do the buyer's due diligence
#90 What this country needs is a high-quality $20 grease gun
#91 What makes land valuable?
#92 Digging a grave fills a hole with a hole
#93 Here's a simple approach to determining market value: TAV analysis
#94 Rattlesnakes and Kim Jong-il make my Fourth of July
#95 Here's a different view on views
#96 Road rocks don't rock and are hard to remove
#97 Classifieds raise questions, issues and eyebrows
#98 What's the difference between speculating and investing?
#99 Will economic weeds produce the wave of the future?
#100 Dearly Beloved: Have I got a deal for you!!!
#101 Rural America: Not healthy, wealthy or wise
#102 If unhealthy food is bad for us, why do we eat it?
#103 Labor Day labors for meaning
#104 Every harvest deserves to be savored
#105 I fall for colors: "Turn! Turn! Turn!"
#106 Rural real-estate markets are stuffed up
#107 Baby Boomer come-heres and been-heres form rural communities
#108 Land matters: Resentful sugar maple attacks The Cluckery
#109 Halloween: No child's been left behind, only tricks
#110 Grass-fed beef is an old story with a new tale
#111 Wheeling and dealing goes country
#112 Thanks should be given for November's noise
#113 Blue Grass negotiates with New York City
#114 Land heals the stress of giving
#115 Santa finds a JOY job
#116 Ghosts of old New Years haunt the land
#117 "The Ponz" tells his side
#118 How Blue Grass might approach terrorism
#119 No pipe "unthaws" before its time
#120 Was I horsing around? Neigh.
#121 Does the future hold one car per household?
#122 Do rural brains really drain?
#123 I shovel, therefore, I am.
#124 Here are 20 rules for country fashion
#125 I smell spring, though I admit to some ambigitty
#126 Kiddie lit: Where have you gone "Oh, oh, oh."?
#127 Bargaining with tourists is hard work
#128 Good luck turns up twice
#129 Tweedledee and Twitterdumb: Social notworking in the country
#130 Trout fishing in America is really about trout fishing
#131 Roadside trash presents dilemmas
#132 Beauty might lurk in the heart of the Beast
#133 Goldman Sachs: Why is the SEC trying to pin a tail on this donkey?
#134 Unauthorized immigration needs to be fixed
#135 Every act of choosing is about who we are
#136 Reunions continue conversations and might start others
#137 Rogue Party reveals The Secret Plan
#138 Memorial Day recalls legacies
#139 Power outage generates dimly illuminated thoughts
#140 TruthsRUS cleans up uncertainty spill
#141 Dogs are left, and The Umbrella is posted
#142 It's hard to celebrate independence with a common cold
#143 Savoir faire should be savored when it's real and even when it's not
#144 Has global warming come to Blue Grass?
#145 Ben Lawden wants three million acres
#146 Country weddings are my specialty
#147 Hay there, Hi there, Ho there, you're as welcome as can be—on the wagon
#148 Bub comes to Blue Grass: He vents, I listen
#149 Fairly functional farm family fights for facts
#149 Fairly functional farm family fights for facts
#150 Hay seeds fight over sign
#151 Brooms are nicer than vacuum cleaners
#152 Funerals play to different audiences
#153 Farm fixes require thought and strategic dawdling
#154 Number 47 was a smash
#155 Sociability requires coaching and practice
#156 Old is not new, thank goodness!
#157 Taste is always a matter of taste
#158 I'm asked to run
#159 Sharing space raises issues of war and peace
#160 It's time to share Thanksgiving leftovers
#161 Santa provides aid and comfort to the naughty and nice
#162 Claus was set to write tell-all book
#163 A long day's driving into night
#164 We sing about lost love on December 31st
#165 Finally, New Year resolutions that are guaranteed
#166 The Swami is asked to serve
#167 Winter sets in, and the loonies arrive
#168 We are about to do big things, if you only knew
#169 I hope for a semi-dwarf, fruited plain
#170 Romance is not my middle name
#171 Losing is not a lost art
#172 The promise of promise is hard to keep
#173 Columns support both past and present opinions
#174 A bite for a bite leaves everyone bitten
#175 Give them guns—and doughnuts, too
#176 King Quad is me
#177 Colonel Mo needs help
#178 It’s easier to assume guilt than innocence
#179 Bad fences bring out good neighbors
#180 It’s not the money; it’s the time
#181 It’s dangerous to be parenting under the influence…of certain books
#182 Mom deserves her “somewhere” this Sunday
#183 A trial would have been bad, but better
#184 The end of the world might be here, or not
#185 To quit or not to quit, that is sometimes the question
#186 Reading is fundamental, and writing is too
#187 Undeserved annoyances merit remembrance
#188 Fathers try to rise above themselves
#189 An unsteady hand rests on an unready tiller
#190 No end is easy
#191 What should I bid for another’s past?
#192 Dig and doze is not about grooving and sleeping
#193 We need more than a paint job
#194 I join the tea party
#195 I create no jobs, so far
#196 We can learn from a bear market
#197 Summer camp glues the blues
#198 Grownups do cleanups
#199 Snooki is no bridge
#200 Dry grass provides limited security in a risky world
#201 His desk was his castle
#202 You never know about reconnecting